Saturday, February 23, 2008


Wood panel

The bottom two pictures are for 'It's yours, take it!'. The cardboard cutout is going to Hawaii and the little wood panel to Southsea in the UK. I wonder if anyone has ever mailed themselves in a box to Hawaii, with airholes in of course, hmmm. I'm not happy with the wood panel, it didn't turn out as I wanted it too, which is a bit annoying, but ehhh, lol. I'll do a better one next time.

The drawing at the top is just me playing around with these figures, its really interesting trying to use as few lines as possible/ trying to simplify everything. I'm going to put some proper figure drawings on here soon, seeing as I can actually draw human beings to a certain extent. Also, I'm going to be in a book about mailart, which is incredibly exciting!! yay

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