Sunday, October 21, 2007

Free art

These pieces were created for the concept of free art. To leave art on the street for someone to take or destroy/do whatever they want with. They weren't permanent and I wanted to embrace the buddhist belief of impermanence when creating them. Making me not getting attached to the work and focusing more on the process.

I left these under a lit walkway at night. Some people who can only be described as chavs (I hate to stereotype people, but if you don't know what a chav is look here...
were walking by them and destroyed them. They didn't notice me or the friends I was with at the time
as we were quite a way off. I was a little annoyed, seeing something that I created destroyed. Anyway thats the whole point, people can choose what they want to do with it. It just depends on the person who finds it.

I plan to do a lot more 'free art' but I'll pick a better place to leave them next time. I'll post more free art soon.

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